Veterans Day Tribute to Tom Thomas

My good friend Tom Thomas was a Medical Rescue (Medivac) helicopter pilot in Vietnam. This was not a job for the faint of heart. Like all who served, Tom faced real danger and saw terrible things. Like a true soldier, he pressed forward, in spite of the obstacles. I...

The Intentional Calendar

Here we are again…it’s October and the busiest season of the year is upon us. We hear it in the voices of our Mom’s…there’s so much on the calendar already. Soon it will be 2017. OMG! I feel it too – in my business and personal life. Here at Walsh...
There is NO Health without MENTAL HEALTH

There is NO Health without MENTAL HEALTH

The Tragic News Utah ranks worst in the nation in critical mental health issues! According to Summit County Health Director Rich Bullough, Utah has the highest rate of suicide in the nation! Utah also ranks at or near the top in depression and substance abuse. If you...